Design a poster presentation: Arafat Al-Naim - UAE
“The Message of Eid” is an international
poster project organized by Worldwide
Graphic Designers in cooperation with
Summarecon Mall Serpong and the De
sign Alliance Asia to promote further the
social role of design, intercultural dialog
as well as to strengthen social ties spe
cially in the age of social distancing.
Eid literally means a “festival” or “feast”
in Arabic. There are two major eids
in the Islamic calendar per year – Eid
al-Fitr earlier in the year and Eid al-Ad
ha later. Eid is the most important fes
tival celebrated by Muslims around
the world. Eid is a spiritual reflection,
worship, festival of sacrifice, blessing,
mark the end of a month of fasting
and the pilgrimage to Mecca, a prayer
for peace and prosperity of all. Eid is a
day of joy and thanksgiving celebrat
ed by millions of people across the
globe in great joy and happiness. It is
an opportunity for Muslim families and
communities togather for prayers and
feasts. People visit relatives’ and friends’
home, exchange gifts with one another.
They wish one another by saying
Eid Mubarak (Blessed Feast/festival)
a way of expressing celebration and
share their love and affection for one
Many countries have their own
unique way of greeting one another
during Eid. In Indonesia they use “Se
lamat Idul”, “Selamat Idul Fitri” in Tur
key “Kurban Bayramınız Kutlu Olsun”,
“Ramazan Bayraminiz kutlu olsun” , in
Malysia “Selamat Hari Raya”, “Selamat
Aidil Fitri” etc. Designers are invited to
create / submit a poster inspired by the
message of Eid in their own language/
Rules and Condition
- Theme: The Messsage of Eid
- Digital file: 300dpi, rgb, jpg, 100x70
cm, vertical type, file name: name_sur
name_country_work title
- Submission: upload your work to
WGD Drive (
- Deadline: 15 April 2021
Exhibition Details:
- Exhibition: April 19–May 23, 2021
- Location: Summarecon Mall Serpong
- All participating artists will receive certif
icate and exhibition digital catalogue