I was born on the April 5th of 1990 in one of the industrial city of IRAN-TABRIZ. I graduated in Graphic Design at UCNA (University College of Nabi Akram). I am a freelance worker in the graphic design of posters.
My posters were published in the several international invitational poster exhibition in different countries and some international poster festivals including: Golden Bee, 5 MOSCOW POSTER COMPETITION, IOAF2018, Poster fot Tomorrow, WGD, Beijing, Suzhou, COREA 1+1, The 10th Asia Graphic Design Triennale, Autopsia Colectiva, Life Tree, 2018Cow Festival 2015(Ukraine), To Death with a Smile 2015-2016 MUMEDI(Mexico), Ecuador Poster Bienal 2016&2018, Vi-one Poster(Iran), Tajrobeh2016(Iran), Persian Garden2017&2018 (America), KUDUS in Turkey, Participate in 2017 International Poster Exhibition + A9 invitation Daegu South Korea, Selected Motion Poster at 25th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, Selected poster among the top 3 posters of the World Graphic Day, Participation in the packaging exhibition at the International Tabriz Exhibition and...