Eréndida Mancilla
Graphic designer in Bluetypo Studio and graphic design researcher in Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi (UASLP) and of the Institute of Research and Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Habitat (IIP).
She has participated in different collective exhibitions with social and cultural themes; his work has been exhibited in Mexico, the United States, Spain, Cuba, Bolivia, Peru, Iran, Greece, Ireland, Finlandand Russia.Herwork has been published by: Women Designers, Graphicart News, Inspiration Design, Typographic Posters, Women Designers, Women Designing, LATAM, Typodarium and International Amnesty.
Her work has been selected at the International Poster Biennial in Bolivia (2013 and 2015), at the International Strelka Desing Festival "Lautrec Today" (2014), and Strelka International Design Biennale, Poster Action Dostoyevsky: Black and White (2015), Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design Golden Bee (2016),Mention of Honor at the International Poster Biennial in Mexico (2016) and Honorable Mention ina! Design Prize, Poster (2016), Lahti International Poster Triennial (2017) and Poster Quadrennial Bardejov (2017).
She has been a member of the pre-selection committee of the international poster contest “Segunda Llamada” (Mexico, 2012), participated as a jury in the contest “Escucha mi Voz” (Mexico, 2013) and International Competition “Sin Barreras” (Venezuela, 2016).
Member of the "Allies Design Collective" and is the founder and organizer of the "Woman DesigningProject”.
Personal website: