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Manifestum 2.0: NEVERLAND

Poster Manifestum 2023 (1).jpg

Manifestum 2.0: Neverland is an art exhibition managed by students from Pradita University, also involving students from 10 different countries around the world under Worldwide Graohic Designer Youth (WGDY). With the chosen theme, Neverland, students that participated made posters about their own definition of paradise. They described what made them happy the most or what they valued the most through their own creativity. This exhibition is exhibited in Summarecon Digital Centre, Gading Serpong, Indonesia starting from 4th February 2023 with an opening ceremony where students from Pradita University prepared an exhibition tour and talk show about “What is Paradise to You?”.

01. Beste Berzâh Yıldırım

02. Furkan Bera Çimen

03. Beyza Kayır

04. Hilal Uzun

05. Zahra Fotovatnia

06. Aisa Fakhari

07. Maral Alipour Samani

08. Harper Owen

09. Kelsey Jones

10. Katy Wright

11. Margarita Brigith Gomez

12. Shuliana Chicaiza

13. Germayori Nayely Pupiales

14. Sun Ruo Shu

15. Minji Kim

16. Seojin Bae

17. Triebl Tímea

18. Farkas Bence Márk

19. Antal Schmidt

20. Ayesha Ali

21. Maryam Abdulkareem

22. Rushel Jocinta Dcunha

23. Shadha Ziyad

24. Afreen Nizam Rasheed

25. Lorena Uribe Joffre

26. Damian Karnicki

27. Monika Stopyra

28. Patrycja Głodek

29. Veronica Kristie Geraldine

30. Joshua Melvin

31. Christopher Jonathan

32. Clive Anderson

33. Caroline Soen

34. Kinanti Restu Aryani

35. Refina Gunawan

36. Cleosa Amabel

37. Nadia Vega

38. Leonita Gunawan

39. Farrellino Jason Lie

40. Reza Muhammad Ilham Prakoso

41. Selen Tirana

42. Richieta Angeline

43. Jeff Minson

44. Anita Aulia

45. Irena Dianti Atmojo

46. Angela Yosephine Shalim

47. Janice Laura

48. Angelica Jasmine

49. Dhiya Aqshal Budiarto

50. Noah James

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